This is a public beta release of the ASCII Generator (ASCGEN (pronounced A-S-C-Jen)). From now on no protection software will be used on the exe, so the program will have no expiry date and it should work on all computers with Win9x and greater.
You are encouraged to mirror this zip file, and pass it around to your friends. If you upload it to a good server then please send the address to <> and I'll add it to the list on the web site. People who mirror the ASCGEN will receive a link to the new file days before it is put on the website. Do not alter this zip file in any way, and you must not place this on a cover cd/published cd collection/etc without my express permission.
To receive an email when new beta versions are uploaded, send a blank email to <>. You will only receive one email shortly after a new version is uploaded and verified, all your info will be kept safe and you will not receive any spam.
All other comments/suggestions/etc should go to <> or posted on the guestbook linked to by the web pages. This is a beta version, so let me know of any problems or good/bad points or they might never be improved or fixed. Please make sure you are using the latest version before sending me a bug report.
- Jonathan Mathews, 4th January 2001
Copyright ⌐2001 Jonathan Mathews Software -
New features in v0.9 beta 1
Save as HTML completely rewritten (see templates.txt for instructions)
- A template file is used to create the output
- Series of html tags defined as: <ASCGEN tag-name>
- HTML form redone to capture all the information needed
- All user defined strings except title are saved to the registry
Edit image
- reshow the process form, then alter the values used and redo the text image
Settings Form - Set output image width or height, default is width of 100 characters